Grab the opportunity to have a say in your local NHS Trust
Do you want to make a difference in your community? Do you care about healthcare and want to get involved in the NHS?

You can do something by standing in The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust’s Governor Elections.
If you care about your local community and about the services the Trust provides to you, your family and friends, then this could be a great opportunity.
You don’t need special qualifications or experience, you are only required to become a Member of the Trust.
Public Governors are elected by other Members to sit on the Council of Governors. The Council of Governors is a group of people like you who help set the direction for the future of hospital and community services.
Being a Governor means you can have a say in helping to plan future NHS services, and in turn you will have an impact on how healthcare is provided in Rotherham.
Mike Richmond, Chair of the Trust, said: “The voice of the people of Rotherham is essential in ensuring our services are meeting the needs and expectations of the local population. Our Governors, by representing local people, share the interests of members of the public.
“We’re keen to get representation from across the different areas and communities within Rotherham to ensure local people have a voice and are able to shape their local health services, as well as holding the Board to account.”
There are six seats available within the Rotherham-wide constituency and one seat in the Rest of England, along with two Staff Governor vacancies.
To stand for election, you must be a Member of the Trust. Membership is free and you can have as much or as little involvement as you like.
Members can:
- Elect new members to the Council of Governors
- Stand for election to the Council of Governors
- Receive regular updates about the Trust
- Give feedback about service developments.
Details about how to become a Member are available on the Trust’s website.
Gavin Rimmer has been a Governor since 2014, becoming Lead Governor in 2018, is coming to the end of his term as Governor: “My own experiences as a patient and parent led me to stand for election in 2014.
“I am passionate about improving healthcare locally and being a Governor allows me to make a difference, represent the views of the Trust members and the interests of the public.
“Don’t let this opportunity pass you by, this is your chance to help your community by joining the Council of Governors.”
Interested people must fill out a nomination form to stand for election. A nomination form to stand for election to these positions is available from Tuesday 26 March 2024 and can be obtained from the Returning Officer:
- Online:
- Telephone: 0208 889 9203
- Email:
- Post: Civica Election Services, The Election Centre, 33 Clarendon Road, London, N8 0NW.
All nominations should be received by the Returning Officer by 5pm on Friday 12 April 2024.
For all contested constituencies voting will open on Thursday 2 May 2024. Voting will close at 5pm on Thursday 23 May 2024.