Following the publication of the East Kent Hospital’s independent investigation into maternity and neonatal services, The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust would like to express our heartfelt condolences to all the families involved.
The investigation highlights failings into the care that the families received, when they should have been protected and cared for. The report is a difficult read for all, particularly in light of previous investigations into Maternity Services.
We would like to reassure everyone who uses our service, as well as our colleagues, that The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust is committed to improving outcomes; providing women and birthing people, babies and their families with kind, compassionate care that is responsive, listening to feedback on how we learn and improve services.
At Rotherham we are very fortunate that we work collaboratively with the local Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP) to enable us to hear the voices of the pregnant people we serve. By working together, we are able to coproduce our services.
We appreciate that many of you may be worried and upset by the report and we would encourage you to discuss any concerns with your midwife or doctor.
Thank you.
Radhika Gosakan, Divisional Director, and Sarah Petty, Head of Nursing and Midwifery