Trust is second most improved in the country, says 2023 staff survey
The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust has seen significant improvements in its staff survey results.

The NHS national staff survey is conducted each Autumn and is the biggest survey of staff opinion in the UK. It gathers views on staff experience at work around the seven themes of the NHS People Promise, plus staff engagement and moral.
The 2023 survey response rate for The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust was 67%, the highest ever for the Trust and above the national average of 45%.
Dr Richard Jenkins, Chief Executive, said: “We thank everyone who found time to complete the survey. The results provide us with rich data that helps us understand the views of our colleagues in the hospital and community settings, which helps to inform our decision making.
“Of the 62 Trusts whose surveys are facilitated by Picker, we rank eighth in the league tables. In the complete national results, we are also eighth in the North East and Yorkshire ranking for staff ‘agreeing’ or ‘strongly agreeing’ they would recommend it as a place to work, making it the second most improved in the country. We have over 5,000 colleagues working across our services and as one of the biggest employers in Rotherham, it is important to us that we listen to and act upon the views of our workforce.”
Of the NHS People Promise themes, the Trust scored higher than average against each one, with some being very close to being the best results. Of over 100 questions asked as part of the survey, 90 had improved responses, one stayed the same and nine deteriorated.
Richard added: “We are delighted in the year-on-year improvement in our staff survey results, and we are determined to continue this trend. We want to be recognised as an employer of choice and one of the best Trusts to work for.”