TRFT has been shortlisted for three Nursing Times Awards

TRFT has been shortlisted for three Nursing Times Awards

The Nursing Times Awards celebrate outstanding contributions in nursing across 25 categories, highlighting achievements in various fields and specialities, including mental health, community care, diversity, and inclusion.

The image shows several members of the TRFT nursing teams.

The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust has been shortlisted for the following categories:

Care of Older People

Our initiative in Care of Older People focuses on promoting person-centred care to enhance the quality of life for elderly patients, especially post-COVID:

The “You Look Your Best When You’re Up and Dressed” campaign encourages patients to get out of bed and dressed by 11:30 each day. Bedside boards facilitate better communication between patients and staff. Assessment of walking aids and dietary needs ensures individualised care plans. Initiatives like “Tea for Two” and bus stops on wards promote mobility and social interaction.

Despite challenges in resource allocation and staff training, the Trust implemented monthly Trust-wide person-centred care Study Days and rapid improvement events. As a result, we have reduced length of stay, we have improved patient experience, and enhanced care across reconditioning, dementia care, nutrition, and end-of-life care.

Infection Prevention and Control (IPC)

Our IPC initiative addresses challenges through innovative strategies:

The Golden Commode Award recognises clinical areas maintaining 100% compliance in commode cleanliness. IPC Week and Hand Hygiene day promoting best practices across the Trust. We gave out a hydration prize for the most informative IPC display board on Fitzwilliam ward.

Investment in leadership and recognition through the Golden Commode Award has boosted enthusiasm for IPC practices among clinical teams, resulting in sustained improvements in cleanliness standards.

Learning Disabilities Nursing

Our Learning Disabilities Nursing initiative enhances care for individuals with learning disabilities and autism across our Trust:

Our Learning Disability and Autism Team provide dedicated support across healthcare settings. We implemented traffic light magnets to provide visual reminders to consult patient hospital passports. We invested in sensory equipment to reduce anxiety during hospital admissions.

These nominations not only celebrate the excellence within our Trust but also highlight the importance of recognising and supporting the incredible work carried out by our nurses. The impact of their work extends beyond individual patients, contributing to the overall health and wellbeing of the wider community.


Helen Dobson, Chief Nurse at The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust, shares her excitement about the nominations: “Being shortlisted for these awards is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and innovation of our nursing teams. It is an honour to be recognised for our efforts in providing outstanding care to our community.”

The next phase of the awards process will involve in-person presentations by our teams to a panel of judges in September. 

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