Carer and care partner promise
A carer or care partner is anyone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or addiction cannot cope without their support.
We promise that carers and care partners will:
- know your rights
- be identified by staff that know about carers needs
- be welcomed to be with the patient at any time as experts in their care
- be given a care partner lanyard/badge to be able to freely go in and out of wards or departments they are in
- have your caring status recorded on your medical record so that we can get emergency care for your loved one if you are unwell
- be involved in making care decisions with the patient’s permission
- be offered a drink on the wards
- be told about parking discounts available
- be able to use a carers passport to write about your needs as a carer
- be encouraged to access a carer's assessment
- be given information on community support
- be supported to plan ahead for a crisis such as your loved one becoming unwell
- be involved in planning ahead for the end of life