Call4Concern (Martha's Rule) pilot begins at Rotherham Hospital
Call4Concern (Martha's Rule) – a new patient safety pilot – has been introduced by The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust.

With Call4Concern (Martha's Rule), Rotherham Hospital patients and families or carers are able to call for immediate help and advice when they feel concerned the health care team has not recognised their own, or their loved one’s deterioration.
Calls are answered by the hospital’s Acute Response Team, who will visit the patient on the ward to discuss their concern and assess them if needed.
The team is made up of advanced clinical practitioners and specialist nurses experienced in the management of very unwell and deteriorating patients. They can be called at any time on 01709 428420 to raise a concern.
Call4Concern (Martha's Rule) is part of the nationwide Martha’s Rule pilot scheme being rolled out in hospitals across England.
It is being trialled in all inpatient areas of Rotherham Hospital except the Urgent and Emergency Care Centre (UECC), which is not covered in the national scheme. It will also not be introduced in Outpatients. In these areas, concerned patients and families are encouraged to speak to the Matron.
Helen Dobson, Chief Nurse at The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust, said: "We understand that patients in hospital or their family members, friends or carers can identify the early small signs of deterioration due to knowing someone’s normal health and behaviours. Our pilot introduction of Call4Concern (Martha's Rule) ensures an additional opportunity for all patients and families to raise awareness of any deterioration at any time.”
"You can make a Call4Concern if you are a Rotherham Hospital patient, relative, carer or friend and you are worried about a clinical condition worsening."
“If the call is not answered straight away, please try again. The team will work with you, your family and ward staff to plan and put in place the best management and treatment to help with the health concerns you have raised.”