During your pregnancy

During your pregnancy

We are here to support you during your pregnancy and beyond. 

You can refer to us directly by completing the self-referral form on the Rotherham Health App or via your GP. 

Once you have been referred, your midwife will contact you to book your first appointment. If you haven't heard from your midwife after two weeks, please call the community midwifery office on 01709 423729. 

Your first appointment

This is called your 'booking appointment' and usually takes place by your tenth week of pregnancy. 

Your midwife will conduct a general health and wellbeing check, including blood tests, as well as offering health and lifestyle advice. They will talk to you about your options for antenatal (before birth) care and where you would like to give birth. 

Your midwife will also refer you for your first scan.

This appointment may take up to two hours. 

Partners or family members are welcome to come with you to your appointments. 

Screening tests

Screening tests are offered during pregnancy to try to find any health conditions that you or your baby may have.

Whether or not to have screening tests is a personal choice. 

GOV.UK offer lots of information about screening tests for you and your baby to help you make your decision. 


During your pregnancy you will routinely be offered two scans. These usually last between 20-30 minutes. However, sometimes it can take a little longer if your baby is moving around or in an awkward position.

The first scan, known as the dating scan, usually takes place between 11-14 weeks and this helps to estimate when your baby is due based on your baby’s measurements.

The second scan, known as the anomaly scan, usually takes place between 18-21 weeks and looks at 11 psychical conditions in your baby.

You may be offered more than two scans, depending on your health and your pregnancy. 

Personalised care plan

The care you are offered throughout your pregnancy, labour, and postnatal (after birth) period should meet your individual needs. 

Your maternity care team will make sure you are fully informed so you can make the right choices for you and your baby. 

You will be given a 'personalised care plan' information leaflet and paper document. This is where you can record your wishes, concerns and preferences. 

Your midwife or obstetrician (a doctor who specialises in care during pregnancy, labour and after birth) will help you make a personalised care plan, taking into account your wishes.

The plan will be looked at regularly and may be changed through your pregnancy, making sure it meets the needs of you and your baby. This is so we can give you high quality, safe care at all times. Any changes will always be made together with you and your family.

Please bring your personalised care plan document to every appointment. 

Outpatient clinics

Most care is given by your midwife in the community but you may be asked to come to one of our antenatal (before birth) clinics.

Clinics are held at Greenoaks, which is on the same site as Rotherham Hospital (in a separate building opposite the Urgent and Emergency Care Centre).

These visits can take up to three hours. 

Parking is available on site. 

Stopping smoking

Quitting smoking is one of the most important steps you can take to make sure you have a healthy pregnancy and give your baby the best start in life.
The stopping smoking in pregnancy team offer a specialist service to support you, not to judge you. We know how hard it can be to quit but you are four times more likely to stop with our help. 

All pregnant smokers will be referred to the smoking in pregnancy team. 

We offer:
•    weekly face-to-face visits
•    telephone support
•    free nicotine replacement treatment
•    information on using e-cigarettes
•    support throughout your pregnancy and after you have given birth

It's never too late to stop smoking during your pregnancy.

Source URL: https://www.therotherhamft.nhs.uk/services/maternity-services/during-your-pregnancy

List of links present in page
  1. https://www.therotherhamft.nhs.uk/services/maternity-services/during-your-pregnancy
  2. https://rotherhamhealthapp.com/splash
  3. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/screening-tests-for-you-and-your-baby
  4. https://www.nhs.uk/pregnancy/your-pregnancy-care/12-week-scan/ 
  5. https://www.nhs.uk/pregnancy/your-pregnancy-care/20-week-scan/ 
  6. https://www.therotherhamft.nhs.uk/services/maternity-services/during-your-pregnancy/early-pregnancy-assessment-unit
  7. https://www.therotherhamft.nhs.uk/services/maternity-services/during-your-pregnancy/your-midwife