Termination of pregnancy aftercare

Termination of pregnancy aftercare

Obstetrics & Gynaecology

This important information lets you know what to expect after your termination of pregnancy. 

We will be willing to answer any questions you may have. Before you leave, you will be given a follow-up appointment if you need one, and an after care pack. The after care pack includes contact details for Rotherham Sexual health services, condoms with instructions,  information on signs and symptoms of venous thromboembolism and a pregnancy test.

If you have any other questions after you leave, please do not hesitate to contact:       

Pregnancy Advisory Service (PAS) available Monday to Thursday, 8am to 6pm  
Telephone: 01709 424542 

Counselling Service available Thursday and Friday (admin support is only there on a Friday). There is an answer machine where messages can be left.
Telephone: 01709 427636

Day Surgery Centre Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
Telephone: 01709 424565 

Ward B11 available at weekends and weekdays, but please contact PAS between 8am to 6pm 
Telephone: 01709 424349 

What can I expect after my procedure?


You can expect to experience crampy abdominal pains following a termination of pregnancy. Mild painkillers may be required to control the pain, e.g. paracetamol or ibuprofen. If the pain is not relieved by mild painkillers, contact PAS 01709 424542 or B11 01709 424349 (if PAS is not open). If the pain is severe, please attend your nearest Urgent and Emergency Care Centre (UECC).


It is normal to lose red blood and small clots from your vagina after the procedure. The bleeding can last for up to your next menstrual period. It is not usual for you not to bleed or to only have minimal bleeding.

You should not use tampons or menstrual cups until the blood loss has stopped, only use sanitary towels. This is to prevent infection. The blood loss will become darker, then stop. If the bleeding is minimal, excessive, or smelly, contact PAS on 01709 424542 or B11 01709 424349 (if PAS is not open). In emergencies, please attend the nearest Urgent and Emergency Care Centre.

Pregnancy symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and tiredness usually stop within 3 days of an abortion. Sore breasts may take 7 to 10 days to resolve as your hormone levels return to normal. Breast tenderness is usually the last pregnancy symptom to go.

If you continue to experience symptoms of pregnancy three to four weeks after your termination, please contact the Pregnancy Advisory Service.

If you have had an outpatient termination, you will have been advised to carry out a urine pregnancy test 3 weeks after your procedure. If this is positive, it is important to contact us, as we will need to arrange a follow up appointment to rule out any complications.


We recommend that you do not have sex until you have stopped bleeding.

It is possible to become pregnant again shortly after the procedure. Therefore, it is important to use contraception immediately after your procedure, or as advised. If you need advice, please contact your own GP, Family Planning or Contraceptive Nurse.

If you do stop bleeding, we advise to use a condom when having sex, until after your next period. This is to prevent infections.


1 in 10 procedures can get result in an infection. This is reduced due to our checks we do on you beforehand. We advise you not to go swimming until your bleeding has stopped to reduce your risk of infection. If you have continuous and heavy bleeding, lasting pain, tenderness of the abdomen (tummy), smelly discharge or temperature, or a general feeling of being unwell, you should contact your GP, PAS or B11.

Emotional support

You can experience a wide range of emotions following a termination of pregnancy. Making a decision like this can be very difficult, so before, during and after treatment, support is available if you would like to access this. 

You can speak to a member of staff, who will arrange for you to see our counsellor, or you can contact us at a later date to arrange this. 

Abortion Talk offer a confidential service to talk about abortion, whether you’ve had an abortion or are considering an abortion. The talkline is open Monday and Wednesday, 7pm until 10pm and can be contacted on 0333 0909266. Alternatively, you can access the Abortion Talk website which has useful information.

Please remember that we are here to help, and we do understand this can be a difficult time.

Aftercare patient information leaflet
Revision due: January 2026
Version 9

Source URL: https://www.therotherhamft.nhs.uk/patients-and-visitors/patient-information/aftercare

List of links present in page
  1. https://www.therotherhamft.nhs.uk/patients-and-visitors/patient-information/aftercare
  2. http://www.abortiontalk.com
  3. http://www.abortiontalk.com