Proud Awards

Proud Awards

Our annual Proud Awards recognise and celebrate the fantastic achievements of our dedicated and hard-working colleagues across hospital and community services.

Winners of the 2023 Proud Awards with confetti

2024 nominations have now closed

Thank you to everyone who submitted a nomination for our 2024 Proud Awards. We received 759 in total.

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Our 2024 Proud Award winners

Chairman’s Award

Clinical Haematology

Chief Executive’s Award

Laura Mumby, Health Informatics

Public Recognition – Sponsored by Hits Radio

Dermatology team and Tara Lees

Non-Clinical Team of the Year

Orthopaedic Operational Team and Schedulers

Inspiring Leader – Sponsored by Knowles Fleet

Chris Hammond-Race, Audiology

Diversity and Inclusion

Sri Kakarlapudi, Dietetics

Learner of the Year

Billy Ferguson, Procurement

Quality Improvement

Andy Woods, Children's and Young People's Services

Unsung Hero

Billy Bell, Security

Clinical Team of the Year – Sponsored by Assutt

Virtual Ward / Urgent Community Response

Governors’ Award for Living the Values

Danijela Preradovic, Ward A1

Volunteer of the Year

B5 volunteers

Excellence Award – Sponsored by Keepmoat
Team of the Year

Education and Development Team

Excellence Award – Sponsored by Keepmoat
Individual of the Year

Lucy Richardson

Excellence Award – Sponsored by Keepmoat
Public Excellence


Our 2023 Proud Award winners

Chairman's Award

Lynsey Maton, Head of Nursing (UECC)

Chief Executive's Award

Amy Mills, eRoster

NHS75 Award for outstanding contribution to the NHS

Dr Bijoy Mondal

Public Recognition Award

Stroke Therapy Team

Non-Clinical Team of the Year

Sterile Services

Inspiring Leader

Tom Nield

Diversity and Inclusion Award

Day Surgery Bespoke Elective Pathway

Learner of the Year

Benjamin Proctor

Quality Improvement Award

Care Homes Team Occupational Therapists

Unsung Hero

Julie Foster

Clinical Team of the Year

Ward A1

Governors' Award for Living the Values

Hannah Hall

Outstanding Volunteer Award

Diane Schofield

Excellence Award - Team of the Year

Emergency Preparedness, Resilience and Response

Excellence Award - Individual of the Year

Munazza Shah

Excellence Award - Public Excellence


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