Share your feedback

Share your feedback

Hearing about your experience of our hospital and community services is very important as it means we can pass compliments to our staff on your behalf and make improvements where necessary.

Your experience matters to us

Your experiences at The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust are very important to us and we are keen to know about them as it means we can pass your compliments on to our staff and make improvements to the services we provide where necessary. 

Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

The Patient Advice and Liaison Service provides a point of contact for patients, their families and carers. The Team aims to:

• Listen to comments, concerns and complaints
• Answer queries and help resolve problems on behalf of patients, their families and carers
• Provide advice and support on how to make sure concerns and complaints are dealt with in a satisfactory manner
• Liaise with departments to ensure concerns and complaints are dealt with and effectively responded to

The PALS team is available Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm and can be contacted by the following options:
• Telephone: 01709 424461*
• Email:   

*There may be occasions when all advisors are occupied on the phones and your patience is appreciated until an advisor becomes available. However if you prefer, you can contact the team by email and request that they contact you on a specified telephone number.

Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

The team are available Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm

Phone: 01709 424461


PALS office

C level, main entrance

Open 10am to 4pm, Monday to Friday

How to send us a comment, suggestion or compliment

If you would like to comment about any services we provide or make a suggestion, tell us about a good experience or you would like to give a compliment you can do so in the following ways:

  • Inform any member of staff on the ward/department or in the community
  • Email the Patient Experience Team:  
  • Call the Patient Experience Team
  • Write to Patient Experience Team

How to raise a concern

You can speak to any member of staff initially about your concerns or if you prefer you can ask to speak to the Ward Sister, Matron or Head of Department. This gives them the opportunity to resolve any concern you may have without it going through a formal process.

Often they will be able to sort out your problem there and then but if this is not possible, The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust is committed to resolving concerns within 10 working days where possible. A staff member will take your contact details and agree how to contact you during this time. 

If you don’t know who to talk to, feel unable to, or you do not want to speak to a member of staff directly, you can contact a member of the Patient Experience Team. You can also contact the team if you are not happy with how your concern was dealt with.  

Please contact us on: or 01709 424461.

How to make a complaint

Staff at The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust always try to do their best for those who use its services, but we recognise that sometimes expectations may not be met.

If you are not happy with the care or treatment you have received at The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust we would like you to let us know so we can make improvements where necessary.

You will not be treated any differently because you have raised a concern or a complaint, but if you have any worries about this, please let the Patient Experience Team know.

Any record of your complaint is kept separately from your medical record.

Who can make a complaint?

Anyone who is receiving, or has received treatment or services provided by the Trust can complain if they are unhappy with any aspect of their care. If you are anxious about making a complaint yourself you can always ask someone to make a complaint on your behalf, for example a family member or friend. We will ask your relative or friend whether they have your permission to do this and you will be asked to sign a consent form to give us permission to disclose your personal health information to your relative or friend.

If you are complaining on behalf of someone else, you must have that person’s permission.

A complaint should be made within 12 months of the event, or within 12 months of realising that you have cause for complaint.

The Complaints Procedure

The National Health Service and Social Care Complaints Procedure has two main stages; Local Resolution and Independent Review.

At the Local Resolution Stage it is the responsibility of The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust to look into and respond to your complaint.

Information to include in your complaint

Your complaint should include the following:
• Who or what you are complaining about.
• Include the name and job position of staff members if you know them
• Include when and where the event(s) you are complaining about happened
• What you have already done about your complaint, if anything
• What results you want from your complaint

If you wish to put your complaint in writing via letter.
Please send your letter to:
Patient Experience Team
Junction 3, D Level
The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust
Moorgate Road
S60 2UD

If you would like to email your complaint please email  

Getting help in making your complaint.

You can contact:

The Patient Experience Team


Absolute Advocacy Rotherham
Absolute Advocacy Rotherham can provide you with independent advice and support. 
Telephone: 01709 794294
Alternatively, you can access further information on the Absolute Advocacy Rotherham website. 

What will happen to my complaint?
Your complaint will be acknowledged within 3 working days of receipt and you will be contacted by a member of the Patient Experience Team who will agree with you the manner in which the complaint is to be handled and agree the timescale in which the investigation is to be completed.

The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust is committed to resolving complaints within 30 working days although in some cases it may be appropriate or necessary that it takes longer. If this applies you will be kept informed.

The Team will also agree with you how you wish to be communicated with, e.g. letter, telephone, email.

Your complaint will be passed onto the relevant department for investigation and resolution. A member of the Patient Experience Team will be available to help if you have any questions during the investigation.

Independent Review - The Health Service Ombudsman
If you remain dissatisfied after the conclusion of the NHS complaints procedure you can ask the Health Service Ombudsman to investigate your case. The Ombudsman is independent of both Government and the NHS

The Health Service Ombudsman
Millbank Tower
Tel: 0345 015 4033

The Trust is regulated by the Care Quality Commission

Care Quality Commission
City Gate, Galloway
Newcastle, NE1 4PA
Telephone 03000 616161
Monday to Friday
8.30pm until 5.30pm

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List of links present in page
  3. tel:01709 424461
  8. mailto: