When you are pregnant, you must make sure that your doctor and midwife are aware of your decision for no blood or blood products to be used as part of your care.
When you have your booking appointment with your midwife (your first main appointment) you will be asked about all aspects of your general health, previous pregnancies, your religious beliefs and if you have any objections to receiving a blood transfusion or blood products like the Anti-D immunoglobulin injection if your blood group is Rhesus Negative.
If you choose not to receive blood, we will advise you to have your baby in hospital rather than at home. Your midwife will refer you for care at the hospital under a Consultant Obstetrician, who will discuss your pregnancy and make a plan of care with you that will be recorded in your hospital and hand held maternity record. You will be asked to sign a consent form stating that you wish to decline blood and specific blood products.
If you are one of Jehovah’s Witnesses you will receive extra information from your local Hospital Liaison Committee; please ensure you contact them as soon as possible.
If you decline blood transfusion and blood products, you will need to sign an ‘Advanced Decision Form’ in advance, in the presence of 2 witnesses as well as a consent form. To help us respect your wishes, carry your ‘Advanced Decision Form’ with you at all times.
You can change your mind at any point even with an Advanced Decision Form in place, but your advanced decision instructions will be followed if you are unconscious or lack capacity.