The day of your caesarean section
After your caesarean you usually stay on the Delivery Suite for a few hours, unless you need closer observation. If so, you may stay on the Delivery Suite either overnight, or for a couple of days.
During the first 30 minutes after your operation only your birth partner will be allowed to stay with you in the recovery area. The obstetrician and midwives will be keeping a close check on you.
In the time immediately after your caesarean, you can still have skin to skin contact with your baby. If you and your baby are both well, your baby can often be placed skin to skin on your chest while still in theatre. Once out of theatre, skin to skin can continue until baby’s first feed. This helps baby feed well.
If you are well and have had a spinal/epidural you should be offered something to eat and drink in recovery within an hour to help you recover.
You will be offered pain relief as you need it and this will not affect breastfeeding. You can always ask for help with feeding or care of your baby. You may find it difficult to hold your baby while you still have a drip in place. Staff will be on hand to support you with your baby’s care until you can move as normal.
It is important to move about as soon as possible after your operation even if your catheter is still in, to help prevent blood clots forming. The staff will help you decide when is best to do this and you must not get out of bed the first time without staff around to help. Usually your drip and catheter can be removed, but they may have to stay in for a while if you have any complications.
Day one after your caesarean section
It is important to start to move about as soon as you are well enough. The staff on the ward will help you care for your baby. You should be able to eat and drink normally. You should be able to have a bath or shower.
A blood test will be done to check your iron level; you may have to take iron tablets if this is low.
Most people who are well are able to go home on the first day after a caesarean, at most by day 2. This will depend on how well you are and your situation. Your community midwife will continue your care at home, and make sure you make a good recovery. You will be given information about moving, rest and exercise after caesarean section before you are discharged home.