Your haematology key worker


A key worker is someone in hospital to help you throughout your treatment and care. You will be given your keyworker’s details as soon as you are diagnosed with a blood condition.

What is the role of a key worker?

The key worker is a health professional in the hospital team who, with your consent and agreement, takes a key role in coordinating your care.


  • ensure that you know how to get the physical, emotional, spiritual and social support that you need while you are having treatment
  • can help with advice about living with the after effects of your treatment
  • can support and help family members and carers
  • act as a link between different hospitals and different hospital departments

When will I meet my key worker?

Your key worker may be present when your diagnosis is discussed with you.

Your key worker will ensure that you are given written information about your diagnosis, any investigations that are planned and the treatment choices that have been offered to you.

They will also give you their contact details.

Will my key worker change?

You are allocated a key worker for the whole of your treatment and care. This will be a different length of time for different people. If your key worker changes for any reason, you will be given another key worker and given their contact details.

Can I change my key worker?

Yes. At the time of your diagnosis, you will be allocated a key worker.

You can request a different key worker at any time and you do not have to give any explanation for this request.

When should I contact my key worker?

Your key worker is there to help you with all aspects of your care. You can contact them if you have any concerns about your diagnosis, your treatment, or the effect that it is having on your life. They may not be able to help directly, but will be able to put you in contact with appropriate health professionals or information.

Your key worker is based in the hospital and can be contacted directly 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. Outside of these hours a message can be left for your key worker with the nurse carrying the phone on ward A7. Your key worker will return your call at their earliest opportunity.

How to contact us

Ward A7

01709 424231

Haematology Clinical Nurse Specialists keyworkers

01709 426532

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  • Page last reviewed: 4 January 2025
  • Next review due: 31 January 2027