A Micturating Cystourethrogram (MCUG) is an examination that shows how well your child’s bladder works.
The procedure is done to try to understand why your child may have frequent urinary tract (water) infections and it may show up any abnormalities with your child’s urinary system.
You will be able to stay with your child throughout the examination. However we will need to ask mothers/female carers if they are pregnant. If there is any possibility of you being pregnant then you must inform the Clinical Radiology Department on 01709 423132. This is because the procedure involves the use of X-ray.
Please do not bring other children along to the appointment as they will not be allowed into the X-ray room with you and staff cannot care for them in your absence.
Preparation for the MCUG
Your child must be on antibiotics before having this procedure; your child’s Paediatrician will give details regarding this to you. The antibiotics will help to minimise the risk of urinary tract infection (water infection).
Please bring with you a drink or bottle of milk, a change of clothes and a comforter for your child. Please note, the person accompanying the child should have parental responsibility.
The procedure
Your child will lie on an X-ray bed so that the Paediatrician can insert a catheter (a fine plastic tube) into your child’s bladder. This may be a little bit uncomfortable but will only last a few minutes.
Once the catheter is in place, a small amount of contrast media will be injected through the catheter to fill up the bladder. The contrast is a colourless solution, which shows up on X-ray screens.
We will need to wait until your child has a wee, then X-ray images will be taken while they are weeing. The X-ray machine will be close to your child but will not touch them.
When we have enough images, the catheter will be removed from your child’s bladder.
The Paediatrician will explain the results of the procedure on the same day and will explain what this means in terms of further care and treatment.
After the procedure
Your child must continue their antibiotics after the procedure.
If you have any concerns that your child is unwell following the procedure, please take them to A&E (UECC) immediately as they may be showing signs of infection.
How to contact us
Clinical Radiology Department
For general enquires about your appointment
01709 423132
For enquiries about preparation for your examination, or to speak to a Radiology Nurse
01709 427086
You may reach an answering machine. Please leave your contact number, and the nurse will phone you back between the hours of 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.