We try to treat vomiting in pregnancy in your home, as recovery is often better in your own home environment. This can include:
This will be in the form of tablets.
A form of acupuncture which works by inserting a small pin, which looks like a tiny, almost invisible plaster, into your wrist and is changed every 3 days. A member of the team will show you how to change this. It is a simple procedure but can be very good at reducing sickness.
If you do not get better with treatment at home, we would recommend you are treated in hospital. You will be seen by a Nurse and a Doctor who will ask you some questions and do the following:
- Record your weight
- Test your urine
- Perform blood tests
- Arrange an ultrasound scan for you (if not completed or arranged already)
Your healthcare team will use the results of these tests to help you choose the best treatment option for you.
If you need treatment in hospital this will be done in one day (hyperemesis ambulatory care). Your stay will only be about 4 to 6 hours. You will be offered fluids through a drip in your arm over a short period of time. This is called rapid rehydration.
You will also be given anti-sickness medication. You may feel much better after this and can then go home with anti-sickness medications. You can return if you start to feel poorly again.
If you have very severe symptoms such as excessive weight loss, muscle wasting, dehydration, dizziness or palpitations, abnormal test results, or if outpatient treatment did not work for you, admission to hospital will be necessary.
You will be offered or given:
- the fluids you need though a drip in your arm. This will be continued until you are able to drink fluids without vomiting.
- anti-sickness medication.
- blood thinning injections and blood clot prevention stockings to reduce the risk of developing clots in either your legs or lungs.