Paediatric listening tactics

Ear care and Audiology

What does this mean?

Listening is a skill and some people are better at this than others, however it can be improved. Everyone can have difficulties with their hearing in noisier situations but there are things that can be done to make things easier. 

Listening tactics are simple tips that can be used to help children who have listening difficulties, fluctuating hearing loss and/or a mild hearing loss. Children with a mild hearing loss and listening difficulties usually rely more on visual information. Encourage your child to ask for written information from school, rather than relying on learning through listening.

When should these be used?

A child may experience difficulties with:

  • following spoken instructions and conversation
  • following fast paced speech
  • detecting subtle speech differences/mishearing
  • paying attention and may be easily distracted
  • frustration
  • behaviour and/or progress in school
  • hearing speech in background noise
  • interacting with others
  • road safety

Tactics for school

  • Sit nearer to the teacher in class - the further away from the teacher your child is, the quieter it will be
  • Have a clear view of the teacher
  • Say the child’s name before speaking to them and make sure that the staff are looking at your child - this can ensure the child is ready to listen
  • Work on active listening - for example, getting the child to listen when a certain phrase is said.

Tactics for home

  • Make sure the family are facing the child, and the child is looking at whomever it is who is speaking
  • Ask your child to repeat back what is said. This will help to work on increasing their listening confidence
  • Reduce any background noise e.g. TV when communicating
  • Try rephrasing speech rather than repeating it if speech has not been understood
  • Break down speech into shorter chunks.

Tactics for road and outdoors

  • Before crossing a road encourage your child to look around and visually check for traffic
  • Encourage your child to look around for sounds when outside, to be sure where a sound is coming from.

What should I do if I have any further questions?

For any enquiries call one of the following phone numbers. Please leave a message with your name and contact number.
01709 423207
01709 423145

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  • Page last reviewed: 8 August 2024
  • Next review due: 31 March 2025