Early labour
Early labour (also known as the latent phase) can last anything from a few hours to a few days. During this time you may have irregular contractions that can sometimes feel regular and then stop for a few hours. Your cervix will change from being thick, firm and closed to being soft, thin and stretchy. These changes help the cervix to start opening for your baby.
First stage of labour
The first stage of labour begins when your contractions are strong, regular and lasting at least 60 seconds and your cervix is open at least 4 centimetres. During the first stage your contractions will continue to come more regular and much stronger. This stage of labour can last around 6 to 12 hours if it is your first baby, and often quicker if you have had a baby before.
Throughout your first stage of labour your midwife will offer regular assessments of your progress and wellbeing, and the wellbeing of your baby. These can include:
- Blood pressure
- Pulse
- Temperature
- Abdominal palpation
- Listening to your baby’s heartbeat
- Vaginal examinations to assess the progress of labour and position of your baby
Your midwife will support you with different coping strategies and help you to find the most comfortable position for you. They will also discuss pain relief when needed. If your midwife becomes concerned at any point, they will ask for a senior midwife or doctors for a second opinion.
Towards the end of your first stage you can sometimes become scared or feel out of control. This is common and is known as the ‘transition’ period. Usually, you will start to get the urge to push as your cervix nears 10 centimetres and your baby moves down the birth canal. Your midwife will support you closely during this stage.
Second stage
The second stage of labour begins when your cervix opens to 10 centimetres and your baby’s head is moving through the birth canal. There is usually pressure in your bottom area, followed by the urge to push which can feel difficult to control. Sometimes, if you have had an epidural, you don’t feel this urge and your midwife will help guide and support you by letting you know when to push.
Your midwife will check your baby’s heartbeat more regularly during this stage and support you into different positions. Once your baby’s head is born, your midwife will support you to gently breathe and avoid pushing if possible to allow your perineum to stretch slowly which can help reduce tearing. Once your baby is born, the second stage ends. This stage of labour can last up to 4 hours for your first baby and much quicker if you have already had a baby before.
Third stage
The third stage of labour is the time between the birth of your baby and the birth of your placenta. After your baby is born, they will still be attached to the cord which is attached to the placenta. The cord is not usually cut straight away, unless there is a problem.
There are two types of third stage: physiological and active. For the physiological stage, after around 10 to 15 minutes of giving birth your placenta will begin to separate from your uterus. Soon after you will feel some mild contractions and sometimes the urge to push. Being in an upright position can help you birth your placenta. The placenta is soft and usually painless to birth, it should slide out easily.
If you would prefer an active third stage, you will be offered an injection to help contract your uterus. The injection usually takes a few minutes to work. Your midwife or doctor will gently apply pressure on you lower abdomen and carefully pull on the cord, causing the placenta to birth. This process usually takes between 10 to 20 minutes.