Respiratory and Sleep Physiology

We offer a range of services, clinics and investigations for patients, from sleep disorders to oxygen assessment services.

We offer tests such as spirometry and lung function tests at BreathingSpace. Some specialised tests, such as Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing (CPET) are offered at Rotherham Hospital.

Patients are referred to us by their doctor and may be asked to visit us for assessment before and after planned surgery. 

When visiting us at BreathingSpace, please use the lift or the stairs to go directly to the first floor. 

Respiratory investigations include:

  • Full lung function tests
  • Spirometry
  • Bronchodilator response
  • Bronchial challenge tests
  • Body plethysmography 
  • Respiratory muscle tests
  • Allergy testing
  • Capillary blood gases

We also offer a comprehensive sleep disordered breathing service, oxygen assessment and cardio pulmonary exercise testing.

Respiratory and Sleep Physiology

First floor
Breathing Space
Badsley Moor Lane
S65 2QL

Telephone: 01709 421780

Opening hours: 8am to 4pm, Monday to Friday

Please note, our phonelines do get very busy. If you are able, please use the email address to contact the team.

To order non-invasive ventilation (NIV) or continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) equipment:

Telephone: 01709 421780

Sleep disordered breathing service

Patients are screened for possible sleep disorders and may undergo a respiratory polygraphy or overnight oximetry test. These are followed up by clinics with a physiologist or consultant respiratory physician.

For patients diagnosed with sleep disordered breathing, such as Obstructive Sleep Apnoea and Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome, we offer treatment such as Home Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) and Long-Term Home Non-Invasive Ventilation (NIV). We have close links to the Ear Nose and Throat department, for patients to be referred for assessment, and Orthodontics, where simple snorers can be fitted with Mandibular Advancement Devices (similar to gum shields) to help reduce severe snoring.

Tests are conducted at BreathingSpace. Clinics may be at BreathingSpace or Rotherham Hospital. Please check your appointment letter carefully for location details. 

Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and non-invasive ventilation (NIV) reviews

Specialist support is provided by physiologists for CPAP and NIV therapy. Patients get access to a wide range of equipment to help treatment, including devices with remote technology. Reviews may be by telephone or face to face, and we run a collection service for replacement consumables. 

Clinics and consumable collections are at BreathingSpace only. 

Oxygen assessment services

This is a clinic which provides assessment and review for patients with or suspected of needing oxygen therapy.  Our assessments include long term oxygen therapy (LTOT), ambulatory (portable) oxygen therapy or requirements for oxygen during air travel. We ensure that all patients get the most appropriate oxygen delivery system to fit in with their lifestyle and enhance their quality of life. 

Lung function tests

These include spirometry, full lung function, body plethysmography, and bronchodilator response. 

These tests measure the size and function of patients' lungs and airways, and the response to inhaled (breathed in) medication. 

Tests are performed at BreathingSpace and Rotherham Hospital. Please check your appointment letter carefully for location details. 

Bronchial challenge test

This test measures how sensitive a patient's airways are and can help to diagnose asthma. 

Tests are performed at Rotherham Hospital only. 

Respiratory muscle tests

These tests assess respiratory muscle strength and weakness. They include testing vital capacity while sitting and supine (lying on your back), mouth pressure, and sniff nasal pressure tests. 

These tests are performed at BreathingSpace

Cardio pulmonary exercise testing

This measures your capacity to exercise and can be useful to assess unexplained breathlessness or to help identify factors which might limit your ability to exercise. We offer measurement of oxygen consumption and anaerobic threshold, for patients before and after surgery. We also provide a service to test for exercise induced asthma.

These tests are performed at Rotherham Hospital.

Non-Invasive Ventilation (NIV) for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

We offer a long term home Non-Invasive Ventilation (NIV) service for patients with COPD, including assessment, initiation of therapy and review. 

These clinics are held at BreathingSpace

Capillary blood gases

This is a type of blood test which checks a patient's blood gas status e.g. oxygen and carbon dioxide content within the blood.

This test is performed at BreathingSpace only. 

Hone oxygen service

This is a clinic which provides assessment and review for patients with or suspected of needing oxygen therapy. Our assessments include long term oxygen therapy (LTOT) and ambulatory (portable) oxygen therapy. We work closely with our colleagues in the Community Respiratory team at BreathingSpace.

These clinics are held at BreathingSpace.

Hypoxic challenge test

This test is used to help determine whether or not a patient is fit to fly, or if oxygen therapy is recommended for a flight.

This test is performed at BreathingSpace.

Skin prick allergy testing

This test assesses if a patient demonstrates an allergic reaction to specific common allergens, e.g. grass pollen, cat dander. We provide this test for adults and children.

These tests are performed at Rotherham Hospital only. Please note, tests for children take place in the Children's Outpatient Department. 

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  • Page last reviewed: 12 February 2025
  • Next review due: 12 February 2026