Safeguarding children and adults

The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust is a wider partner agency in the Rotherham Local Safeguarding Children Partnership and the Rotherham Safeguarding Adults Board.  As such the Trust has a statutory duty to share information and work alongside other agencies when they believe a child/young person may have been harmed or is at risk of harm.

Safeguarding children and adults is a multi-agency task and involves partnership working with both families and professionals from an operational level to a strategic level.

Safeguarding Children – Annual Statement of Compliance

In July 2009 the Care Quality Commission (CQC) published a report on their review of arrangements in the NHS for safeguarding children. All NHS trusts are required to publish a statement of assurance that it has the necessary arrangements in place against five minimum criteria around safeguarding children.

The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust has considered its own processes, procedures and policies with regards to safeguarding children and has worked with its partners to respond to initiatives and reviews at national, regional and local levels.

In particular, the Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust is assured that:

  1. The Trust meets statutory and Trust Policy requirements in relation to Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks.
  2. Safeguarding policies and systems are up to date and robust including a process for following up children who miss outpatient appointments and a system for flagging children for whom there area safeguarding concerns.
  3. The Named Professionals are clear about their role and have sufficient time and support to undertake it. The Trust has:
    • Named Doctor
    • Named Nurse Children Safeguarding Acute
    • Named Nurse Children Safeguarding Community
    • Named Midwife
  4. There is a Board level Executive Director Lead for safeguarding.
    • Chief Nurse

5. Staff are compliant with safeguarding training at Level one or if new to the organisation, receive this on induction.

Training arrangements have been reviewed within the last 12 months to ensure that all training delivered is in line with the requirements of the Safeguarding Children and Young People: Roles and Competencies for Healthcare Staff and Adult Safeguarding: Roles and Competencies for Health Care Staff Intercollegiate documents and takes into account any emerging safeguarding messages.

The training programme is reviewed and updated annually.

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