All pacemakers have a metal shell to protect them from other electrical signals so you can use most household equipment without any bother.
Ordinary radios, fridges, cookers, televisions, computers and microwaves will not affect your pacemaker as long as they are in good working order. Some specific hand held electrical appliances (such as power tools and base chargers) must be kept at least 15 centimetres (6 inches) away from the pacemaker.
Keep your mobile or cordless phone, Bluetooth device, earbuds or headphones at least 15 centimetres (6 inches) away from your pacemaker.
Ideally hold your phone to the ear opposite to your pacemaker or use loudspeaker so that you can hold it further away.
If you are travelling through an airport, make sure you tell the security staff that you have a pacemaker so they don’t hold the metal detector over your pacemaker.
Please ensure you carry your identification card and show it to the security staff who may have to search you in another way.
You will also need to make sure your travel insurance company are aware you have a pacemaker fitted.
For more advice speak to a doctor or nurse at your pacemaker clinic.
Shop security systems (also called electronic article surveillance or EAS)
There is a very small risk of interference to your pacemaker, so you are advised to walk through shop doorways at a normal pace.
Don’t linger near an EAS system longer than is necessary.
Be aware that EAS systems are often hidden or camouflaged near the exits for businesses such as retailers.
Don’t lean against the system’s sensors.
Do not carry magnets or products containing magnets close to your pacemaker. Avoid contact with large magnets and strong electromagnetic fields, such as:
- car motors - turn off large motors, such as cars or boats, when working on them. They may temporarily 'confuse' your device with the electromagnetic interference created by these large motors
- electronic cigarettes (vapes)
- induction cookers. If you use an induction hob for cooking, keep a distance of at least 60 centimetres (2 feet) from your pacemaker, as this type of hob generates an electromagnetic field that may interfere with your pacemaker settings
- electric arc welding
- amateur radio - under 3 watts should be kept at least 15 centimetres (6 inches) from your pacemaker. 3 to 15 watts should be kept at least 30 centimetres (12 inches) from your pacemaker. 15 to 30 watts should be kept at least 60 centimetres (2 feet) from your pacemaker
- large stereo speakers
- wireless connections
- any device that measures body composition, including fat mass, muscle mass, bone mass, and hydration should not be used by people wearing a pacemaker. This includes scales and smartwatches
- magnetic fasteners such as badges
- a TENS machine for pain relief, and keep electric-pulse body-toning tools below your stomach
- metal detectors