The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust’s annual Proud Awards were held last month, celebrating the achievements of its staff and the impact they have on the people of Rotherham.
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The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust, in collaboration with the CYPF Consortium and Rotherham United Community Trust, has launched a new Youth Work Support project aimed at helping young people aged 11-19 with asthma, epilepsy, diabetes and other long-term conditions.
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The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust has launched a new Quality Improvement (QI) pilot program focused on improving patient health through the promotion of decaffeinated tea and coffee. This initiative, involving the Short Stay Ward and B5, aims to reduce patient falls and enhance bladder health.
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Zoe Noon, a Pharmacy Technician at The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust, has been awarded an esteemed Go Further award in The Sheffield College Apprenticeship Celebration Awards.
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Student nurses at The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust have set up a project to tackle loneliness among recently discharged patients by delivering wellbeing packs, a warm cup of tea and a friendly chat.
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National ODP Day is Tuesday 14 May. This year’s theme is #ODPHiddenNoLonger – The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust is bursting the perception of a hidden profession, and are proudly boasting about our Operating Department Practitioners (ODPs). Continue reading to meet Sean, one of our incredible ODPs, and to learn more about what he does.
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Craig Bintcliffe was jailed for 22 weeks for abusive behaviour towards The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust colleagues.
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Read all the latest news from Rotherham's hospital and community health services in the most recent edition of Your Health.
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- Your Health

A Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust patient has chosen to donate their corneas, a decision that will be life changing to another individual.
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